Dulsa proved to be easy to house train. Within a week, she had learned not to pee in the house (we trained her the way you would a puppy) and not to jump on the furniture. She also learned to ride in the truck and to be well-behaved in other people's houses.
After a couple of months, we gradually moved her out to the barn. These days, she's almost always with the other goats, though she'll still come and visit on the porch sometimes.
The thought of breeding Dulsa scares me. I'd hate to lose her the way we lost her mother. It looks as though I can delay the decision to breed her now. A couple of months ago, I noticed her udder looking fuller than a virgin doe's udder should be. I put her on the milking stand and tried milking her. Sure enough, I got a few squirts of milk. I discarded the milk, but tried that evening and got slightly more. The next morning, she gave a bit more again. I started increasing her grain ration then. After a few days, I tried the milk and it was delicious.
Now I'm getting about 3 quarts a day from her. I've read about this (she's called a "precocious milker") but I've never come across one of these before. It will be interesting to see how long this lactation lasts. Both her mother and her grandmother were wonderful milkers with extended lactations.